Sunday, August 15, 2010

Coins Frenzy

Not trying to copy the other flamboyant gaysian blogger ,who also happens to like wearing sunglasses the entire day to cover a pair of slanty little eyes,  there he goes wearing Dolce & Gabbana F/W 2010 Coin Necklace to a fashion show; it's just a necklace made of coins, like the one Turkish girl would go to belly dancing with.  So what's up with these tiny shinny coins? nothing new or special or even groundbreaking "pretty"! Well, I  guess, it just shows how we embrace the vanity as money hunter. Mo Money Mo Problem = WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!

Almost as bad as wearing a "$" sign blang-blang, the comeback of 90s is not about the grunge (the spirit of stripped-down), but to remind us the trashier we look, the more attention/money we could roll in. There is no such thing as cheesy or bad taste when we have money to show off,  we 'd never complain about carrying too much cash in our pocket as much as putting on something solid and gold and shimmering, then you are up to standard,  then you are in the HOT TREND!

Anyway, can't do much about the everlasting golddigger manifestation. On the contrary, I wish everything I have in my wardrobe is made of coins so when I'm broke, like right now, I can just strip and make $$$ ( a neo-age Asian sensation stripper)! 

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